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Phoenecia – Demissions

Schematic, 2011
May 11, 2015

The duo behind Phoenecia has greatly contributed on the experimental idm genre, (check out here) years before releasing “Demissions” in 2011. With this last release the duo finalizes its masterful touch on experimental electronica with complex beat-building, multi-level surfaces, ambient, idm and techno.

Time is never an issue with Phoenecia. A long track gets you lost on transitions, giving an impression of listening to various mini tracks on a common theme. A short track disappoints you with its shortness and abrupt ending. The result is immense, a fascinating experience that denies all genres apart from experimental.

Μικρές φωνές, φτηνές ζωές. Τα κλειστά κυκλώματα και οι ανοιχτές διαδρομές. Περπατάς στο γκρι και βλέπεις βεντάλια χρωμάτων. Ανάμεσα από τα καλώδια διακρίνεις φωλιά σπουργιτιών. Το μικρό σου άνοιγμα αρκεί για το χάος του δυαδικού.

Take your time with all tracks but invest on 'Two-Part Invention For Bodhran & Computer', 'Nostrum Remedium', 'Dogness', 'Aunt Alice', 'Gesundheit', 'Mushroom Cloud Over Miami', 'Livelihoods'.

Phoenecia's discogs page
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