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ArD2 ‎– Night Lights EP

Seti Recordings, 2013
Nov 30, 2014

ArD2 is an Orwellian inspired electro duo from Spain. “Night Lights” is their second captivating release (after the “2084” album) featuring analog techno and electro through Gerald Donald’s legacy (and contributor as “Heinrich Mueller”).

Embracing a dark theme, deriving from the dystopian future/past of their inspiration, the duo introduced this 5 track EP with cold analog sounds, yet filled with melodic atmospheric layers and chords. “Night Lights” is a release that will be appreciated from dance enthusiasts to low-tempo electro “junkies”.

Μιλάμε για δεδομένα. Τις ροές και τα κύματα. Την κίνηση και τον ήχο. Στρόμπο που κρύβουν τις πατημασιές και φέρνουν τη σκιά σου απέναντι… σε σύγκρουση.

We cannot but suggest all of the release’s 5 tracks to be indexed not only in your current playlists but also in those to be made through time.

Ard2's discogs page
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