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Subheim ‎– Approach

Tympanik Audio, 2008
February 28, 2014

Subheim approaches our heads with dark and deeply melodic sounds. The overall downtempo feel, the experimental beats as well as the female voice that accompanies most the tracks, transform this album to a cinematic wordless storytelling. “Approach” doesn’t need words to mediate between its substance and us. And what is this substance? We should check our thoughts, hopes and agonies for that, even if they differ from one to another.

Synthesized sounds are held back, and are mostly involved with atmospheres. The main tone is given on piano and other realistic - sounding instruments. The topping is delivered with the vocals. The beats are steady, yet rich and they don’t really deviate from their purpose of enriching the rhythm.

Ακολούθα τις γραμμές. Μην χαθείς. Περίμενε. Δέσε τα κορδόνια σου. Μην πέσεις. Περίμενε. Να σκέφτεσαι το δρόμο. Μην αποσπάσαι. Περίμενε. Κουβάλα όσα λιγότερα μπορείς. Μην κουραστείς στη μέση. Περίμενε. Όπα. Λάθος οδηγίες. Περίμενε. Λοιπόν, μη σκέφτεσαι το δρόμο αλλά τη διαδρομή. Πάρε τα όλα μαζί σου... Βασικά μη μ’ ακούς. Μην περιμένεις άλλο, φύγε.

There will be "Ybe 76", "Howl", "Away", "Stranded", "Voces Perdidas" and "One Step Before The Exit [Flaque remix]" constantly appearing on your playlist.

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